Aruna Yoga Teacher Training


Aruna Yoga Teacher Training

The Aruna Academy program is for you if you are a serious student wanting to share the teachings of Aruna Yoga with others either in groups or individually as a registered yoga teacher.

It is focused on applying Self enquiry to life through yoga fundamentals, yoga philosophy, emotional release work and healing physical and emotional blocks.

The Aruna Yoga Teacher Training can be taken either as Yoga Alliance 200 hour program or a 500 hour program. 

The training is also available as a non certifiable program for those wishing to incorporate the practices for their own personal use.

 What you can expect from Aruna Yoga Teacher Training:

You will…

  • learn all about yoga
  • develop an integrated practice of Self enquiry
  • learn how to apply the practices of yoga to your body, your emotional states and your life as it unfolds
  • develop a personal practice of yoga
  • increase awareness and presence in your life
  • shift your perspectives on reality
  • learn to befriend your emotions and learn how to pass through difficult moments gracefully
  • learn yoga philosophy
  • learn TRE (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) for personal use
  • learn Kabbalistic tools to apply easily to your life
  • understand and apply yoga poses (āsana) for your own health and for teaching others
  • learn diverse breathing techniques and how to use them as well as what their contraindications are
  • learn how to use yogic seals (mudrās) for health and well being
  • be given countless practices of yoga, breathing, concentration and meditation easy to use and share with others
  • discover how to activate the innate healing capacity of the body
  • develop healing skills and how to apply them
  • become the highest version of yourself
  • gain skills for vision questing and intention development
  • get teaching skills
  • learn how to teach Golden yoga, to modify practices to suit different body type and states of health
  • learn yoga anatomy
  • get lifetime access to a personal membership hub with the core curriculum trainings
  • work with peers
  • create and be a part of a growing community
  • do case studies to deepen your practical application of teaching Aruna Yoga
  • learn directly with Nicole Forman and her team and receive personal guidance
  • be invited to the Aruna Apprenticeship to integrate the teachings and gain deeper experience


What is included: 200 hour program

  • 20 days core curriculum
  • Lifetime access to a personalised Membership Hub on Aruna Online
  • Limited access to the prerecorded Aruna Online Teacher Training (available for 18 months from the start of training)
  • Anatomy Training with Wesley Bassett
  • Āsana Lab
  • Aruna Apothecary of Yoga Pills
  • Access to live weekly zoom classes for the duration of the training period.

It does not include:

  • Access to recordings of zoom and/or live weekly classes.
  • Training manual materials



– Euro: €2900,- works out as €145 per day! 

Deposit: €980,-

Monthly Payments over 12 months: €160 per month

– Shekels: 11800,NIS-

Deposit: 3900 NIS,-

12 Monthly instalments: 660NIS per month

Drop in for a day or a session?

Euro: €150 per day/- Shekels: 595 NIS per day

– Euro: €75 per session/– Shekels: 298 NIS per session (half day)

To sign in for a day or a session: click here.

5% discount for full payment before the start of the course.

Full Payment Option with discount

Are you an Aruna grad? You are entitled to a 5% discount!

Costs do not cover training materials, accommodation or food if relevant.

Do you need a personalised payment plan? 

Please email

What is included: 500 hour program

  • 35 days total:
  • 20 days core curriculum
  • Additional 15 days (live and/or online – include prerecorded content and either in person or online as per available dates including 15 days of Aruna Retreats)
  • TRE (Trauma Releasing Exercises) Training for Personal use
  • Three year’s access to the prerecorded Aruna Online Teacher Training 
  • Lifetime access to a personalised Membership Hub on Aruna Online
  • Anatomy Training with Wesley Bassett
  • Āsana Lab
  • Aruna Apothecary of Yoga Pills 
  • Access to live weekly zoom classes for the duration of the training period.
  • Membership Hub on Aruna Online

It does not include

  • Access to recordings of zoom and/or live weekly classes.
  • Training manual materials



– Euro: €4000,- works out as €114 per day!

Deposit: €980,-

Monthly Payments over 12 months: €252 per month

– Shekels: 16000, NIS –

Deposit: 3900, NIS –

12 Monthly Instalments: 1008, NIS – 

Drop in for a day or a session?

Euro: €150 per day/- Shekels: 595 NIS per day

– Euro: €75 per session/– Shekels: 298 NIS per session (half day)

To sign in for a day or a session: click here.

5% discount for full payment before the start of the course. 

Full Payment Option with discount

Are you an Aruna grad? You are entitled to a 5% discount!

Costs do not cover training materials, accommodation or food.

Payment plans are available. Please email


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Yoga Alliance certification requirements

To attain your certification as a Yoga Alliance registered Aruna Yoga teacher you have to meet the following requirements:

Note: because the program is bases in self enquiry with a strong focus on personal development and growth it is also possible to join when you do not want to become a Yoga Alliance certified teacher. The following requirements will not then be necessary. For more info for non certification program email

  • 200 hours: 20 days of training
  • 500 hours: 35 days of training
  • Completion of Aruna Online Program (500 hours)
  • Completion of the final exam
  • Completion of the online Āsana Lab
  • Completion of Online Yoga Anatomy program with Wesley Bassett
  • Attendance in the Aruna apprenticeship as a teacher assistant and/or teaching of 12 days for 500 hours/5 days for 200 hours
  • Attendance of a minimum of 25 classes live and/or through class recordings
  • Attendance of practicums in the presence of a lead trainer
  • Case studies of teaching 10 students (written reports documenting the process and teaching skills gained).
  • Case studies of 4 group teaching (minimum of 4 students; written report)
  • Journal of personal sadhana and/or self enquiry process
  • Minimum of 4 meetings with peer students.
  • Seva Project (selfless service) of 10 hours.
  • These requirements must be completed within an 18 month time frame  for 200 hours and within 3 years for 500 hours.

    In Person Dates: Israel 2024 (20 days)

    Opening week:

    7-12th April 2024

    Monthly Meeting Dates (Thursdays and half day Fridays): 

    • 9 and 10th May 2024 
    • 6 and 7th June 2024 
    • 12 and 13th September 2024 
    • 26 and 27th September 2024 

    Online Anatomy Training Dates with Wesley Bassett (Sundays 14:00-17:00):

    6 zoom sessions of 3 hour meetings:

    • 5 May 2024
    • 2 June 2024
    • 23 June 2024
    • 14 July 2024
    • 4 August 2024
    • 8 September 2024

    Closing week:

    27th October – 1st November 2024

    These are the 20 core curriculum days for 200 hours. Additional days will be offered for the 500 hours throughout the year.

    Address for Teacher Training 2024: 

    Beit Aruna: The House of Aruna:

    Hanasi Itzhak Ben Zvi 47 Herzliya Pituach Israel

    Daily schedule for Thursday teacher training days 2024

    10:00-13:00: Morning session

    13:00-14:00: Lunch

    14:00-17:00 Afternoon session

    Daily schedule for Friday teacher training days 2024

    10:00-13:00: Morning session

    Zoom schedule for Sunday’s Anatomy Training 2024

    14:00-17:00: Session with Wesley Bassett

    The 2024 Aruna Teacher Training is available in person or online on zoom. Please email if you choose to attend on zoom.


    Cancellation policy:

    Non refundable deposit of €980

    Cancellation within one month of the start of the course:

    Non refundable deposit of €980 and payment of one month. 

    No refunds after the opening week of the course.

    Costs do not cover training materials, accommodation or food.

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