Aruna Yoga Classes

Aruna Yoga Classes

Aruna Yoga is a healing practice that awakens us to our true nature. Within this space, healing, transformation, freedom and peace is available to us all, reminding us that everything is connected. 

Aruna Yoga draws from multiple yogic forms and philosophy, including Hatha, Vinyasa, and Kundalini, as well as spiritual traditions, such as meditation, Kabbalah, energy healing and theological philosophy.

Aruna Yoga teaches how to welcome the present moment and suspend judgment so we can still the mind and practice presence using the body, mind and emotions as a way to cultivate inner connection.

Experience this unique form of yoga and join Nicki Forman or one of our other registered and experienced Aruna Yoga teachers for an online yoga class. Searching for something more? Have a look at our workshops and trainings!


Live in person classes/ Hybrid Zoom

Join Nicki Forman for the weekly Aruna Yoga classes in person or on Zoom! 

At this moment Nicki teaches her weekly classes in Nof Yam (Herzliya, Israel), which can be attented online through zoom as well!

We have different types of classes on offer: Aruna open, Aruna golden, Aruna yin, Aruna integration, Vinyasa, and Kundalini yoga. Click on weekly schedule or to sign up!

Recorded Zoom classes

Enjoy access to live recorded weekly classes to follow in your own time, at a moment that suits you!

New classes will be added weekly which will be continuously available during your subscription. Repeat your favorite class or choose one to fit your needs and deepen your Aruna Yoga practice! Click below on more information to get more information around possibilities and pricing!



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