Aruna Yoga Classes
Live in person and online Yoga Classes
Join Nicki or one of our registered and experienced Aruna Yoga teachers for an in person class or an online class through Zoom! Every day we have different types of classes on offer.
We have our all-levels classes (suited for people of all abilities) such as the Aruna golden class, (Aruna) yin yoga and the Aruna integration class. And there are classes for people who either have (some) prior experience with yoga or are in good physical health, as these are more dynamic, such as the Aruna open and Vinyasa classes.
In the schedule is shown specifically if the classes will be given in person and/or online through zoom. The weekly in person classes by Nicki Forman will be given at Nof Yam, Herzliya, Israel.
Nof Yam
Herzliya, Israel